Course introduction MVEN10

Ullrika Sahlin


Welcome to Risk Assessment in Environment and Public Health

  • Course coordinator: Ullrika Sahlin

  • Course platform

  • Course syllabus

  • Study directors:

    • Helena Hansson Environmental Science
    • Stefan Olin Applied Computational Science

Why study risk assessment

  • To be competitive on the job market

    • there is a lot of experts, but fewer experts on risk assessment
  • To better understand what expertise is required when assessing risk

    • motivation to become an expert
    • strengthen your interdisciplinary perspective
  • To be able to contribute to better management, including assessment and communication, of risk

  • To become a better decision maker yourself


  • 10 lectures
  • Occupational and Health Medicine
  • Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
  • Risk, Uncertainty and Decision Making (parallel course)



  • Use open source tools for scientific assessment
    • Excel
    • R
    • Quarto

Literature seminars

  • 2 seminars
    • 1 within an exercise (cancelled)
  • Come prepared!

Book seminars

  • 5 book seminars (overview canvas) (one was cancelled)
  • Presenter, Opponent, Reviewer with different roles

Case studies

  • 4 groups with tutors
  • 2 sessions
  • Problem Based Learning (canvas)
  • Case studies (canvas)
  • You are expected to bring your own computer (Notify!)
  • Written reports per group that will be shared with all

Course literature

  • Burgman, Mark. Risks and decisions for conservation and environmental management. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

  • Literature for seminars

  • Other material handed out during the course

  • Explicit references from lectures

Non-scheduled time

  • This course is 15 credits and assumes 100% study pace

  • Non-scheduled time implies self studies

Grading and compulsory assignments

  • Participation in written assignments, exercises, project work and associated parts is compulsory

  • Reports from case studies, exercises and project work is failed or passed

  • The written examination is failed, passed or passed with distinction

  • An exam in class and a home exam


  1. Choose a course representative

  2. Remind to inform us if you need to borrow a computer during class

  3. Modify groups for book seminars - if asked for

  4. Modify groups for case studies - if asked for